Adam Green The Entrepreneur

Who is Adam Green?

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Adam Green
If you search for Adam Green you will find there are many Adam Greens in the world.  Am I Adam Green the famous singer? No. Am I Adam Green the songwriter? No. Am I Adam Green the director? No Am I Adam Green the attorney. No

I am Adam Green the Entrepreneur.  About five years ago I was just a regular guy doing the 9 to 5 job.  My Dad had always really pushed me hard to get a quality education.  I had already graduated with my bachelors degree and I was considering going back to school to get my MBA (Masters in Business Administration).  I was at a crossroads in my life and was trying to figure out which path to take.

I tried to envision what my life would be like and how it would change to have a prestigious MBA degree.  All I really pictured was me working more hours at another desk and being owned and controlled by the company that I worked for.  I had been watching the upper management and I observed that they were too busy to take a vacation and the only way to make more money was if someone died, got fired or quit.  To be honest this didn’t really light a fire in me, it only made me think about some problems I had faced most of my life.  It seemed that I was always building some else’s business and not my own.  I was working for a paycheck but I wasn’t really creating long-term, residual wealth.  My life felt controlled by my job and I yearned for freedom and independence.

As I was in the midst of this struggle I met someone who threw out a new possibility… start my own business.  Because my Father has always talked to me about being highly educated and then getting a stable job, I had never really considered the self-employment route.

The company was called MXI Corp.  I did some extensive research on the company, it’s founders, the products and the management of the company.  The technology and science behind the Anti-oxidant product line of healthy chocolate intrigued me.  Eventually I became on of the first 11 distributors to join Xocai.

Thanks to this incredible opportunity I am now doing what I love.  I am able to help other start their own businesses and take control of their freedom and financial future.  During my journey to learn how to be a successful Network Marketer I have tons of mistakes.  I learned from these mistakes and improved more and more over time.  Now 5 years later I am pleased with the success I have had and the way I have helped thousands of people.  I have earned over 2 million dollars, my team is 50,000 strong, and am the Top 3 Income Earner in Xocai.  The reason why my team members are so successful is because they learn my “Business Success Code.”  It is a training program that I teach for free that allows new distributors to blast past the competition because they don’t have to make all the mistakes I made, they learn the secrets that I developed to build my multi-million dollar business!  Visit my website to learn Adam Green’s Business Success Code today!  

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Adam Green

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